I. Overview of OnBase Windows

What is OnBase workflow? Simply stated, OnBase workflow is a tool that brings certain CFB business processes into an electronic environment.

In order for CFB Staff to use workflow they must have an OnBase workflow license registered on their computer. When this license is properly registered a three dot icon will appear on your OnBase toolbar in color.

If a workflow licenses is not registered on your computer the three dot icon will be grayed out. Access to workflow is granted on an “as needed basis” for the OnBase tasks you perform. If your OnBase responsibilities require the use of workflow and the three dot icon is grayed out, please contact the ECM Team or System Administration Staff. 

The Workflow Windows

When you click on the three dot workflow icon the following screen with various workflow windows shown below should open. The OnBase workflow screen is divided up into five different windows: the Body window, the Lifecycle View window, the Documents window, the User Interaction window, the Taskbar, and the Work Folder window.

The following is a summary of these workflow windows.


The Lifecycle view displays all of the lifecycles or “workflows” that are currently available to you. The terms “Lifecycle” and “workflow are interchangeable. When you click on a workflow it will open and display the “queues” within that workflow. To the right of each workflow queue is a number in parenthesis. This number displays the number of documents in that queue. In the example below the BPR – Backup Review queue of the Backup/Payment Review workflow holds 15 documents.


Queues contain documents that trigger specific activities to take place. After that task is performed that document is either moved to another queue in that workflow, moved to another workflow, or is removed entirely from workflow.

Load Balancing Exception – Some queues will only display documents that are assigned to a particular user group. The BPR – Manager Review queue of the Backup/Payment Review queue is an example of a Load Balancing queue. In this example Load Balancing allows an Auditor with Audit Team Lead user rights to view only those candidate assigned to them. Auditors or other staff that do not have Audti Team Lead user rights will see a zero in parenthesis next to the queue. However, Auditor may view all documents in this queue or documents assigned to a Team Lead as follows:

When an Auditor right mouse clicks on the BPR – Manager Review queue they will receive a popup window. The Auditor can select the “See Other User’s Documents”.

A popup window “View Other User’s Documents” should now appear. An Auditor can select <ALL> to see all documents in the Manager queue or select a specific Team Lead to see only those documents assigned to them in the Documents window. 

The ECM Team allows access to workflow and workflow queues on an “as needed” basis. Please notify the ECM Team if you do not have access to a particular or queues within a workflow that you are required to perform your OnBase tasks. 


Documents in the Documents window serve as a “trigger” for certain actions to take place.

When you click on a workflow queue the documents within that workflow queue appear in the Documents View window.

Documents in the Documents window serve as a “trigger” for certain actions to take place. An OnBase e-form frequently serves as the workflow trigger document. The e-form is created based on several keyword values such as Election Cycle, Candidate ID, and sometimes other keyword values such as Statement Number, Document Date or Statement Review Number. An OnBase trigger document can only be in one queue of a particular workflow at a time. 

However, other documents besides e-forms can serve as trigger documents in the Documents window.

Some workflows may have a large number of documents in them. The new client’s default setting is to sort every 100 documents by the document’s arrival time. By double clicking a Document Name column header you can also sort by Document Name. You can use the two green arrows to go to the next 100 or the previous 100. 

You can also use the Options button, which is the gear icon next to the green arrows. You can change the Results per Page button to whatever you’d like. By increasing the number of results per page, it’s possible to make it so that you can load all of the documents in the current queue fit without having to go through searching for the next set of documents. 

If you change this setting, you will need to click on another queue or refresh (use the right mouse click option “Refresh”) before you see any changes.


When you click on a document in the Documents window, documents related to that trigger document may appear in the Work Folder window. The Work Folder window documents are assigned to a specific workflow queue and are related to that queue’s Document window trigger document based on keywords such as Election Cycle, Candidate ID, and sometimes another keyword value such as Statement Number, Document Date, or Statement Review Number. Specific document types are assigned to a workflow queue’s Work Folder. These document types can be displayed in a specific order. A document will automatically appear in a Work Folder if it (1) is indexed to a specified document type for that Work Folder, and (2) that document has corresponding keyword values such as Election Cycle, Candidate ID or other keyword value such as Statement Number, Document Number or Statement Review Number. 


The User Interaction window allows a workflow user to interact with a trigger document in the Documents window. For example, in the Statement Review and Backup/Payment Review workflows when an Auditor clicks on a specific ad hoc task button the User Interaction window will come to focus and display a drop down list. Auditors can then assign the working auditor to the trigger document e-from from a drop down list of Auditors. When a User Interaction window is in focus a user will not be able to continue working in that workflow until the action prompted in the User Interaction window is taken.


The taskbar displays user ad hoc tasks that allow the user to interact with the current trigger document. When you click on an ad hoc task button an action is taken on a trigger document in the Documents window.

II. How Do Documents Enter Workflow

The entry of a document of a certain document type and/or keyword values into OnBase can trigger certain actions in workflow. For the workflows used by Document Processing the creation of an e-form may result based on Election Cycle, Candidate ID and sometimes some other keyword value such as Statement Number or Statement Review Number.

Document Processing will perform the required tasks that are triggered in order to create that e-form or document. They will then click on an ad hoc task button that either removes the document from their workflow or moves the document to another workflow. In this later case, when Document Processing clicks on the ad hoc task e-forms are sometimes created which serve as trigger documents for other workflows. Any trigger document or related documents that Document Processing is processing will be committed to OnBase when they click their workflow ad hoc task button that pushes to documents to another Unit’s workflow and/or workflow queue. Once a documents is committed to OnBase it becomes visible to other OnBase users.

III. Changing Your Display

You can take any of the workflow windows and move them around inside and outside of the OnBase Client. To do this, click on the blue title bar in the window. If you have a second monitor, it is possible to move both of these windows there, like this:

You may wish to maximize your view of a document. To do this, click on any part of the title bar of a sub window and drag it to where you want on the screen. 

When you exit the OnBase client and reopen it, OnBase will remember the position of each window.


Pushpins have two states: 1) upright which shows the window and is the default position of the pushpin (See above image), and 2) the pushpin on its side which hides the window (see below image) and creates a tab.

You can use the pushpins to change your viewing area within OnBase without having to move the windows outside of the scope of OnBase.

These tabs will expand to their window when the mouse hovers over the tab. When the mouse no longer hovers over the tab/window, it becomes a tab. Having the push pin on or off does not affect your ability to move the windows anywhere you’d like. You can still drag your windows outside of OnBase.


When you “dock” a window, you are locking the window in the OnBase Client so that it takes less space and fits neatly in the client. You can dock these windows on the top left, bottom left, and middle left of the screen. As you see from the above example, the Documents, User Interaction, Life Cycle View windows are visible on the top, left side, and bottom portions of the screen. However, the Work Folder window is not visible because the Pushpin is on its side. Clicking on the tab where it says Work Folder will make it appear, but once it loses focus, it will disappear. When you have a window that is not docked, the pushpin is not available.


By right mouse clicking anywhere in the body of the document or the title bars, you can bring up a menu of options that allow you different ways to rearrange windows. This allows you to hide windows that are not necessary. 

For example, if you do not want the Work Folder window to be displayed, simply click where it says “Work Folder”. The Work Folder window should no longer be visible. Clicking this option again will make it visible again and also restore your default display.

If you are not satisfied with how your layout looks, and you would like to revert back to the original settings, you can do that by right mouse clicking on any of the title bars or the current document and select Display > Restore Default Display. This will reset your current settings. Please be aware that clicking this will not have any effect on the number of documents displayed per page. 

For example, should you accidentally press the X button on any of the windows, you can restore the window by A) right mouse clicking and checking the window that you clicked off, or B) right mouse click and going to Display > Restore Default Display