The following instructions will show you how to customize how you view documents in your OnBase Client.

By default, whenever a document is opened in OnBase, it looks something like this:

You will notice that: 1) the document is not taking up the entire window; and 2) there is a thumbnail of the entire document on the lower left hand side, limiting the size of the window further. Outlined below are ways to expand the size of the document within the OnBase window and to turn off the thumbnails.

How to Set a Document to Fill the Window

There are two ways to ensure that the document fills the entire window.

1) “Fit Width” tool bar. Clicking this turns it on/off for that particular document.

2) You can also change to have every document opened to reflect this setting by default on the file menu, go to User > Workstation Options. This will open up a window with multiple tabs. Select the Document tab.

On the Document tab, find the section titled “Image Scale.” Image Scale is set to “Fit in Window” by default. This setting makes the entire document appear in the window. However, if the window is not big enough, the document will become very small, making the document unreadable. By clicking on the “Fit Width” setting, the document will fill to fit the entire window. The “Fit Width” setting will make text on a document to be large enough to be readable even if you have reduced the size of the window. Finally, click the “OK” button.

When you open a document in OnBase, it should fill the width of the window as in the following image. You will not need to relaunch your OnBase Client to see the change. When working with a document you can use the “Fit Width” and “Fit Window” toolbar items regardless of what your settings are in User Options.

Getting Rid of Thumbnails

By setting the Image Scale setting to “Fit Width,” we can now more clearly read documents since they are filling the entire window. However, we are still not using all of our window space. The thumbnail is taking a large portion of the window. There are two ways to turn off the thumbnail:

1) The first method is to click on the “Toggle Thumbnails” button. This is located on your toolbar icon here:

Clicking this button will turn the thumbnails off/on for that particular document. If you open another document, the thumbnail will reappear. 

2) You can also turn off thumbnails so that by default they do not appear when you open a document. To turn the thumbnails off, on the file menu, go to User > User Options. This opens up at the User Option window that contains your personal preferences for OnBase. Go to the Document tab.

Click the Show Thumbnails checkbox to uncheck it and then click the “OK” button. When you open up a document, it should now look like the image below. You will not need to relaunch your OnBase Client to see this change.

Please note that you can still use the “Toggle Thumbnails” button even if you have turned the Thumbnails off.