A. Overview 

It is now possible for Audit to send documents that appear in certain workflow work folders to be sent to the Document Re-index Request workflow. Auditors can now add a Re-index Request note from a work folder by right clicking on a document in a top-level window and then clicking an Ad Hoc task button titled “Send Foldered Documents to Document Re-index”.

When you click on the “Send Foldered Document to Document Re-index” ad hoc task button you will be sending all documents in a work folder with a “Re-index Request” note to the Document Re-index Request workflow. Therefore, and Auditor can review all of the documents in a work folder, adding “Re-index Request” notes as necessary, and then clicking the “Send Foldered Document to Document Re-index” ad hoc task button to send all documents with a Re-index Request note to the Document Re-index Request workflow at the same time.

Please note that since that same work folder can be used for several queues of a workflow, all documents with a Re-index Request note that are in the same workflow work folder will be sent to the Document Re-index Request workflow regardless of the queue of the workflow when the “Send Foldered Document to Document Re-index” ad hoc task button is clicked. Here is an example. Both the BPR – Backup Review queue and BPR – Manager Review queue use the same workflow work folder. An Auditor reviews documents in the work folder of the BPR – Backup Review queue of the Backup/Payment Review workflow, adding Re-index Request notes one document but does not click the “Send Foldered Documents to Document Re-index” ad hoc task button. The Auditor then sends the e-form for that Candidate ID, Election Cycle and Statement Number to the BPR – Manager Review queue. If the Audit Team Lead then adds a “Re-index Request” note to second document in the work folder and then clicks the “Send Foldered Documents to Document Re-index ad hoc task button, the two documents with a “Re-index Request” note will be send to the Document Re-index Request workflow regardless if Re-index Request note was added by the Auditor or Team Lead in different workflow queues.

However, since a document can only be in the Document Re-index Request workflow once, an Auditor can also click the “Send Foldered Document to Document Re-index” ad hoc task button each time they need to send a document in a work folder for a queue to the Document Re-index Request workflow.

B. Workflow Work Folder Summary

The following is a summary of workflow work folders:

Backup/Payment Review Workflow: All queues except BPR – Review Not Performed have the same work folders. The BPR – Review Not Performed has no work folder. 

Statement Review Workflow: All queues except SR – Review Not Performed have the same work folders. The BPR – Review Not Performed has no work folder.

Response to Statement Review Workflow:

RSR - IMC Audit, RSR- IMC Manager and RSR- IMC Follow-up have the same work folder.

RSR – Statement Audit, RSR – Statement Audit Manager, and RST – Statement Audit Follow-up have the same work folder.

RSR – Review Completed and RSR – Awaiting Completed Reviews have the same work folders.

Post Election Audit Workflow: All queues have the same work folders.

C. Steps for Sending a Document to the Document Re-index Request Workflow From Workflow Work Folders

1. Select document in work folder and right click. Select “Display in Top- Level Window”. 

2. From the document in a separate window right click and select “Notes”, then select “Add Note”.

3. An “Add Note” pop up window should now appear. Scroll through the list of note types and select “Re-Index Request.” Click the OK button.

4. A “Re-index Request” note should appear on the document. Type your re-index request information on the note.

5. Click on the “Send Foldered Document to Document Reindex” ad hoc task button to send the document to the Document Re-index Request workflow.

6. The document(s) will be sent to the Document Re-indexing Request workflow.