The DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response Custom Query will allow Audit to retrieve a campaign’s DAR Response package in the exact same order in which it was submitted by the campaign. This can be done in five easy steps.

A DAR Response package is a series of documents received in response to a DAR or an Inadequate DAR Letter Response. The documents are retrieved in the exact order that they were submitted by the campaign. 

Five Easy Steps to View DAR Response Documents

1 - Open OnBase.

2 - Click “File” from the Menu Bar and then select “Open” and “Custom Query”. The Custom Query window will open.

3 - In the Custom Query window, select the DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response Custom Query. 

4 - Enter the Election Cycle in the Election Cycle field on the DAR Response Custom Query using the Election Cycle drop down list and specify the candidate by either entering the Candidate ID in the Candidate ID field of the DAR Response Custom Query - OR –entering the Candidate’s last name followed by an asterisk in the Candidate Name field.

5 - Click on the Submit button.

Explanation of Columns

Document Handle: This is the number assigned to each document as it is entered into OnBase. A single document in OnBase may have more than one page. For all documents in a candidate’s DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response, the document handle will be in the order that they were entered into OnBase. When you view the DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response custom query search results they will automatically be sorted in ascending order by document handle.

Document Type: These are the types of documents received as part of a candidate’s DAR Response and Inadequate DAR Letter response packages. 

Received Date: This is the date that the documents arrived at the CFB. Documents that are received as part of the same DAR Response package will have the same Received Date. Documents with different Received Dates were received at another time or as part of the Inadequate DAR Letter Response. 

Candidate ID: The candidate’s unique CFB ID number. 

Candidate Name: The candidate’s name. 

Election Cycle: The election cycle for which the DAR Response was received. 

Originating Process: This is the CFB process by which the documents were received. For example: documents received in response to the DAR have “DAR Response” as their Originating Process; document received in response to an Inadequate DAR letter have “Inadequate DAR Letter Response” as their Originating Process. The DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response custom query only includes documents received as part of the DAR Response package or Inadequate DAR Letter Response.

How to Scroll Through DAR Response Documents Page-By-Page 

It is possible for you to scroll through each of the pages of a candidate’s DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response similar to how you might look through the actual paper copy. 

1. Select and open the top document in the DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response custom query results page. This is the first document of the candidate’s DAR Response package.

2. There are two green arrows in the top toolbar. When you roll your mouse over these arrows you will see that they say “Previous Page” and “Next Page”. If you do not have these green arrows, please contact the ECM Team so that we can provide you with them. If a document has more than one page, to view the next page click the green arrow pointing to the right, the “Next Page” icon. You can repeat this until you scroll through all of the pages of the document. To view the previous page, click the green arrow pointing to the left, the “Previous Page” icon.

3. You can also scroll through each of the separate documents in the DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response custom query. In the top toolbar there are two icons that look like green arrows with a page next to them. When you roll your mouse over these arrows with pages toolbar icons you will notice that they say “Previous Document” and “Next Document”. If you do not have these green arrows with pages, please contact the ECM Team so that we can provide you with them. When you want to go to the next document, click on the “Next Document” icon. This will open up a new OnBase window with the next document displayed. When you get to the end of the document once again click on the “Next Document” icon to go to the next document. You can also go back to the previous document by clicking on the “Previous Document” icon.

You can repeat clicking on the green arrow, the “Next Page” icon, to scroll through the individual pages of a document and the green arrow with a document, the “Next Document” icon, to move from document to document until you reach the end of the documents received as that candidate’s DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response Package. 

How To Print a DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response Package 

Printing all DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response documents.

1. Right click anywhere within the custom query search results window. You will receive a pop-up window.

2. Select “Print” from the pop-up window. You will now see two Options: “Print Selected” or “Print All”. Select “Print All”.

3. Click the “Print” button.

You should now receive a printed copy of the candidate’s DAR Response and Inadequate DAR Letter Responses which exactly reflects the paper copies received.

Printing all documents in the DAR/Inadequate DAR Ltr Response with the same Received Date.

1. Click on the top document in the Custom Query. It should turn blue.

2. Hold down the shift key and click on the last document with the same Received Date. All documents with that Received Date should now turn blue.

3. Right click the blue area. You should now receive a pop-up window.

4. Select the “Print” option. You should now see two options: “Print Selected” or “Print All”. Select “Print Selected”.

5. Click the “Print” button.

You should now receive a printed copy of the candidate’s DAR Response which exactly reflects the paper copy received.