The Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query will allow CFB Staff to retrieve a campaign’s Statement Review Response and No Pay Letter response documents for a particular statement review. Please note, however, that unlike the Post Election Doc Request (IDR) Letter Response custom query and the DAR/Inadequate DAR Letter Response custom query, the documents may not necessarily appear in the same order as they were provided to the CFB. Before a Statement Review Response is scanned and indexed into OnBase, the documents are broken down by Document Processing into payment related documents (e. g., CFIS Invalid Matching Claims Reports and Contribution Backup Documentation) and then by any other documentation and CFIS Reports returned by the campaign. However, No Pay Letter Response documents are scanned and indexed into OnBase in the same order that they are received from the campaigns. By default, the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query allows you to view both Statement Review Response and No Pay Letter Response documents. However, the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query also allows you to view only a candidate’s Statement Review Response or No Pay Letter Response documents in your search results. Both Statement Review Response and No Pay Letter Response documents are pulled together in this custom query by their Statement Review Number.
The Statement Review / No Pay Letter Response Custom Query allows you to view a candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter response in 5 Steps.
1. Open up OnBase. On the file menu, go to File > Open > Custom Query
2. In the Custom Query window, select the Statement Review/No Pay Response Custom Query.
3. Enter the Election Cycle in the Election Cycle field on the Statement Review/No Pay Response Custom Query using the Election Cycle drop down list and specify the candidate by either entering the Candidate ID in the Candidate ID field of the Statement Review/No Pay Response Custom Query - OR –entering the Candidate’s last name followed by an asterisk in the Candidate Name field.
4. Enter the Statement Review Number in the Statement Review Number field.
5. By default the Statement Review Response and No Pay Letter Response checkboxes will be checked. If you wish to view both Statement Review Response and No Pay Letter Response documents in your search results, click the
If you wish to view only Statement Review Response documents in your search results, deselect the “No Pay Letter Response” checkbox and click the button.
If you wish to view only No Pay Letter Response documents in your search results, deselect the “Statement Review Response” checkbox and click the button.
Explanation of Columns:
Document Handle: This is the number assigned to each document as it is entered into OnBase. A single document in OnBase may have more than one page. For all documents in a candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response search results, the document handle will be in the order that they were entered into OnBase. When you view Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query search results they will automatically be sorted in ascending order by Document Handle.
Document Type: These are the types of documents received as part of a candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response.
Transaction ID: A unique identifier for the transaction (s) associated with the documents.
Received Date: This is the date that the documents arrived at the CFB. Documents that are received as part of the same Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response will have the same Received Date.
Originating Process: This is the CFB process by which the documents were received. For example, documents received in response to a Statement Review Mailing have “Statement Review Response” as their Originating Process and documents received in response to a Complete No-Pay Violation Mailing have “No Pay Letter Response” as their Originating Process. The Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query only includes Candidate Documentation and Statement Review Reports Returned by Campaign documents that have Statement Review Response or No Pay Letter Response Originating Process keyword values.
Statement Review Number: The number of the statement review performed upon receipt of a particular financial disclosure statement. Documents indexed with a particular statement review number may actually pertain to financial activity related to previous statement numbers for that election cycle since issues from that are not resolved from previous statement reviews are carried forward until they are resolved. For example, documents indexed with Statement Review Number 5 may include documents related to Statements Numbers 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Both Statement Review Response documents and No Pay Letter Response documents can be pulled together by the same Statement Review Number keyword value.
Statement Number: The number of a scheduled Statement Due Date that covers a specific disclosure period of a particular Election Cycle.
Candidate ID: The candidate’s unique CFB ID number.
Candidate Name: The candidate’s name.
Election Cycle: The election cycle for which the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response was received.
Note Type: Similar to a Post-it note, OnBase notes can be used to draw attention to content, clarify or explain items, or identify the current state of a document. Notes can be included anywhere on a document and include a Yellow, Annotation, or Highlight note.
Note Contents: The contents of the note associated with a document.
It is possible for you to scroll through each of the pages of a candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response similar to how you might look through the actual paper copy.
1. Select and open the top document in the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query results page. This is the first document scanned and indexed as part of the candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response package. As noted, a candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response may be broken down by documents related to Payment Reviews (e.g., CFIS Invalid Matching Claims Reports and contribution backup documentation) vs. other Statement Review Response documents. By contrast, No Pay Letter Response documents will be scanned and indexed into OnBase as they are received from the campaign.
2. There are two green arrows in the top toolbar. When you roll your mouse over these arrows you will see that they say “Previous Page” and “Next Page”.
If you do not have these green arrows, please contact the ECM Team so that we can provide you with them. If a document has more than one page, to view the next page click the green arrow pointing to the right, the “Next Page” icon
. You can repeat this until you scroll through all of the pages of the document. To view the previous page, click the green arrow pointing to the left, the “Previous Page” icon
3. You can also scroll through each of the separate documents in the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query. In the top toolbar there are two icons that look like green arrows with a page next to them.
When you roll your mouse over these arrows with pages toolbar icons you will notice that they say “Previous Document” and “Next Document”. If you do not have these green arrows with pages, please contact the ECM Team so that we can provide you with them. When you want to go to the next document, click on the “Next Document” icon. This will open up a new OnBase window with the next document displayed. When you get to the end of the document once again click on the “Next Document” icon to go to the next document. You can also go back to the previous document by clicking on the “Previous Document” icon
You can repeat clicking on the green arrow, the “Next Page” icon , to scroll through the individual pages of a document and the green arrow with a document, the “Next Document” icon
, to move from document to document until you reach the end of the documents received as that candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response.
3A. If a document is indexed with more than one Transaction ID or Note Type, that document will appear in the custom query as many times as there are Transaction IDs or Note Types on that document. Please note that the Document Handle is the same for all instances of this document. In addition, for documents with multiple Transaction IDs or Note Types, when you click the “Next Document” icon , it will not move to the next document in the Custom Query. This is a confirmed OnBase bug.
In order to move to the next document, click on the Custom Query main screen. This will bring the Custom Query screen in front of all open windows. Scroll through the Custom Query screen until you see the selected document, which is highlighted in blue. Select and open the next document in the Custom Query using the “Next Document” icon to continue scrolling through the documents. You may need to perform Step 3A for each document in the Custom Query with multiple Transaction IDs or Note Types.
Printing all Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response documents.
1. Right click anywhere within the Custom Query search results window. You will receive a pop-up window. Select “Print” from the pop-up window. You will now see two Options: “Print Selected” or “Print All”. Select “Print All”.
2. Click the button. You should now receive a printed copy of the candidate’s Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response documents for a particular Statement Review Number. This Statement Review/No Pay Response Custom Query printout will exactly reflect the paper copies received.
Printing all documents in the Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response Custom Query with the same Received Date.
1. Click on the top document in the Custom Query with a particular Received Date. It should turn blue.
2. Hold down the shift key and click on the last document with the same Received Date. All documents with that Received Date should now turn blue.
3. Right click the blue area. You should now receive a pop-up window. Select the “Print” option. You should now see two options: “Print Selected” or “Print All.” Select “Print Selected”.
4. Click the button. You should now receive a printed copy of the candidate’s Statement Review Response/No Pay Letter Response with the same Received Date.
Note: If a document appears more than once in a custom query, it will print only once.
Printing Only Statement Review Response or No Pay Letter Response Documents.
These instructions are only necessary if you completed your search uses the default setting of both Statement Review `Response and No Pay Letter Response checkboxes checked. To print only Statement Review Response or No Pay Letter Response documents you can also perform your search with only the Statement Review Response checkbox or No Pay Letter Response checkbox selected. If you perform your search in this manner, please follow the printing instructions for Printing All Statement Review/No Pay Letter Response documents.
1. Click on the top document in the Custom Query with either the Originating Process keyword value Statement Number or No Pay Letter Response. It should turn blue.
2. Hold down the shift key and click on the last document with the same Originating Process keyword value. All documents with that Originating Process keyword value should now turn blue.
3. Right click the blue area. You should now receive a pop-up window. Select the “Print” option. You should now see two options: “Print Selected” or “Print All.” Select “Print Selected”.
4. Click the button. You should now receive a printed copy of the candidate’s Statement Review Response/No Pay Letter Response with the same Originating Process keyword value.
Note: If a document appears more than once in a custom query, it will print only once.
You have the ability to sort by columns in a custom query. Clicking on a column name allows you to sort in either descending or ascending order. The ECM Team has developed the technology that allows keywords as well as note fields to appear as columns in a custom query.
To sort by a column, click on a column name to sort in ascending order. Click twice to sort by descending order. The screenshot below shows the Note Type column being sorted in ascending order.
1. To use the Note Search feature, open up any document in either a custom query or document retrieval. Right mouse click anywhere on the document and go to Notes > View Notes. This works on documents of one or many pages but can be done only on one document at a time.
2. This opens up another screen. The Page # column describes where in the document the note is located. The Title column describes the type of the note, and the Text column describes the contents of the note.
3. Clicking on the Title, Text, or Page # of the note will open up the note and the page it is located on.
Deleting a Standard Note
To delete a standard note, right mouse click on the note and select “Delete Note.” You can do this whether or not the note is open or not.
Deleting an Annotation or Highlight Note
Similar to a standard note, to delete an annotation or highlight note, right mouse click on the annotation or highlight note and go to Notes > Delete Note
Envelopes will allow you to create your own custom groupings of documents.
1. To create a new Envelope, on the file menu, go to User > Envelopes > New Envelope. This will open up a window, asking you to name the Envelope.
2. Once you name your Envelope, the Envelope will be created. It will also pop up on your screen.
3. You can add a new document to an envelope through either Custom Queries or Document Retrieval. You cannot view or add documents to an envelope in workflow. It is possible to add documents to an envelope across multiple custom queries and/or Document Retrieval. To add documents to an Envelope, select the documents you want to send and right mouse click > Send To > Envelope > Name of Envelope. You need to double click on the name of the envelope to put the documents in.
4. You can view your Envelopes at anytime by going to the file menu and selecting User > Envelopes > Open Envelope. Documents within an Envelope are sorted by Document Date, in ascending order [Oldest date first, most recent last].
5. By default, when you create an Envelope, the Envelope is private. In other words, any Envelopes you create can only be seen by you. However, it is possible to allow other users to view your Envelopes and their contents. To allow other users to see your Envelopes, right mouse click on the Envelope and click Envelope Sharing.
This will allow you to select specific users to use your Envelope. Note that the naming convention of OnBase User Names is exactly configured to be similar to Windows and Email user names. For example, Christopher Perrone becomes CPerrone.
To select a user, click on the user and click the button. This will bring the user to the Selected Users window. To give the user special permissions, click on the
button. You can give the
user the right to Add or Remove items, or you can allow them to have full control over the Envelope. When you are done, click the
1. To remove documents in an envelope, select the documents you want to remove and right mouse click on them. Click Remove.
2. You will be asked for confirmation. Click the button to proceed. The documents will be removed from the envelope. The documents will not be deleted from OnBase.