The Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow was developed to help make Document Processing’s task of indexing hard-to-identify documents easier. Rather than physically showing a document to the unit requesting that document for document type identification, the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow allows Document Processing to instead send the document to that unit using workflow. The unit responsible for requesting the document, which is usually either Audit or SCU, can then send the document back to Document Processing with instructions on how to index the document. A quick turnaround time is very important for Audit and SCU to supply Document Processing with the correct indexing information. The faster that Audit can supply Document Processing with the correct indexing information for a document, the faster Audit will have access to that document in OnBase.

What Happens When Document Processing Receives a Document They Can Not Identify

When Document Processing receives a document that they cannot clearly identify the correct document type, they will index it to the Candidate Documentation Document Type CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns. When a document is indexed to the CD –Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns document type, it enters the Document Processing queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow. Using the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow, Document Processing will then send the document to either Audit or SCU.

Review of CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns Documents By SCU

1. When Document Processing sends a CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received from Campaigns document to SCU it will enter the SCU queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow.

2. The SCU Point Person(s) for reviewing documents received in the SCU queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow will receive a notification when a new document enters the SCU queue.

3. The SCU Point Person (s) will click on the document in the Documents window of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow to open the document. The document will already have a Re-index Request note.

4. The SCU Point Person(s) will determine the correct document type information.

5. The SCU Point Person(s) will enter the correct document type information on the Re-index Request note.

6. The SCU Point Person will click the “SCU Send to Document Re-index Request” ad hoc task button on the Task bar. The document will leave the workflow and enter the Document Re-index Request workflow.

7. Document Processing will re-index the document in the Document Re-index Request workflow. The document will then be placed in its correct document type.

NOTE: SCU will receive a notification at 5 pm every afternoon if there is one or more documents in the SCU queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received from Campaigns workflow.