The Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow was developed to help make Document Processing’s task of indexing hard-to-identify documents easier. Rather than physically showing a document to the unit requesting that document for document type identification, the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow allows Document Processing to instead send the document to that unit using workflow. The unit responsible for requesting the document can then send the document back to Document Processing with instructions on how to index the document.

How to Send Documents to Other Units To Obtain Indexing Information

1. If Document Processing cannot clearly identify the correct document type for a document, that document should be indexed to Candidate Documentation Document Type CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns.

NOTE: The keyword Originating Process is mandatory on CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received from Campaigns. You will receive Conditional Mandatory messages if any conditional mandatory keywords has not been indexed based on the Originating Process keyword value. These messages include an error message for a Statement Review Number if the Originating Process is Statement Review Response or No Pay Letter Response, an error message for Compliance Visit Date if the Originating Process is Compliance Visit or Compliance Visit Letter Response, an error message for Draft Audit Finding Number is the Originating Process is DAR Response or Inadequate DAR Letter Response, or an error message for TIE Election Cycle if the Originating Process is TIE Response.

2. When a document is indexed to the CD –Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns document type, upon commit it will automatically enter the Document Processing queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow.

3. When you are in the Document Processing queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow you should see two ad hoc task buttons on the Task Bar: “Send to Audit” and “Send to SCU”.

Click on the “Send to Audit” ad hoc task button if the document should be sent to Audit for indexing information clarification.

Click on the “Send to SCU” ad hoc task button if the document should be sent to SCU for indexing information clarification.

NOTE: Document Processing will receive a notification at 9 am every morning if at least one CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received from Campaigns document remains in the Document Processing queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received from Campaigns workflow. Document Processing will continue to receive this notification everyday at 9 am until all documents in the Document Processing queue have been sent to Audit or SCU.

Review of CD – Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns Documents By Audit or SCU

When you click on the “Send to Audit” ad hoc task button a Re-index Request Note will automatically be added to the document and it will enter the Audit queue of the Uncategorized  Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow. The Auditor will review the document in the queue and provide indexing information on the Re-index Request note. 

Likewise, when you click on the “Send to SCU” ad hoc task button a Re-index Request Note will automatically be added to the document and it will enter the SCU queue of the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow. The SCU staff member will review the document in the queue and provide indexing information on the Re-index Request note.

Processing Indexing Information Received from Units

When Audit and SCU have reviewed a document sent by Document Processing through the Uncategorized Documentation Received From Campaigns workflow that document will return to Document Processing through the Document Re-indexing Request workflow. Document Processing should re-index the document in the Document Re-index Request workflow as usual based on the information included on the Re-index Request note.