


Auditing – Response to Statement Review Workflow Enhancement

Release Date


MIS Contact

Pam Bray 212.409.1742


Ø What's New

An amendment was made to the Response to Statement Review workflow.

ü The Candidate Documentation has been removed from the workflow.

ü The DIP process will not generate the e-form automatically.  The e-form will be generated by the Document Processing group.


Ø Issues Addressed

E-forms and workflows created prior to receiving the proper paper work was automatically creating the e-form and notification for Auditing.


Ø Open Issues

It has been determined that the received date in OnBase is being generated from C-Smart. The received date is the date the candidate saves the backup documentation.

If there is a need to amend OnBase on how the received date is being generated, we will address this issue in a separate release.