When an existing registration forms needs to be modified and resent to the CSU Forms Workflow use the following steps that will create an internal amendment.

1. Go into Document Retrieval and find the FSPCOM – Political Committee Registration Forms. Narrow your search using such keywords as 4 Year Election Cycle and Political Committee ID to find the documents you are looking to send to the workflow.


2. Highlight the document you want to send to the workflow and click on the Create Internal Amendment.




3. Click on the Create Internal Amendment Ad Hoc Task.


· The Ad Hoc Task will create a copy of the document. All notes will be copied over. This copy will have the same keywords except Document Number and Received Date. Those keywords will be blank for Document Processing. This copy of the document will be the document that will enter the workflow. A notification will be sent just like any other Registration Form.

· Remember that only documents with a Delivery Type of MAIL will enter the workflow. 


4. The copied document will be in the workflow. At this point, CSU can make any changes they want to the document, including using the Virtual Print Driver to print email and other documents to the registration form.


5. Once that is done, the form can be sent to Document Processing using the Send to Document Processing Ad Hoc Task and a notification will be sent to DP and CSU.


6. Document Processing will then continue their normal process.